We Are Your Local, Trusted And Professional Top Bloomington Tree Stump Removal Provider… Have Tree Stump Grinding Questions? We Have Answers Call Us At 952-679-7373

Stump Removal Bloomington MN.
Whether it was a severe storm, a sudden cold snap, or even old age, there are plenty of reasons why one of your most prized oak trees needed to get cut down and completely get rid of. And while you feel glad that your property remains a little safer with it gone, you now have an old, rotting stump to deal with now.
Because removing your dead tree stumps remains a tricky process, you likely will need to hire it as a separate service from cutting your plants down. Unfortunately, not all homeowners deal with their left-over stumps correctly, leading to other hazards to face.
When you need a reliable stump removal company, it isn’t always clear who you should hire now. Bloomington Tree Care provides quality removal services for more stumps throughout the greater Bloomington, MN community.
If you need a better quality of service and lower pricing, then allow us to remove your unwanted plant items for less today. No one else helps you save more on a higher quality of results than our team does daily.
*Stump Removal Service
Although removing tree stumps from yards is a frequent service need, it doesn’t feel any easier to know who you should call for your job. Ask any of your neighbors what their tree stump removal cost should remain, and they likely couldn’t tell you a consistent dollar amount.
Numerous variables go into pricing out your tree stump removal needs, including the size dimensions, tree species, and what method remains required to take it out. Some homeowners think that you can tie a chain your truck’s bumper and hope for the best, but that rarely works out the way they felt that it would.
Instead, we usually defer to grinding down stumps as it remains the practical way to get them removed from your property. Rather than excavating around the plant’s base, and pulling it from the ground, grinding down is a much safer, simpler solution each time.
When you can’t risk your job to any landscaping company, make sure that you’re giving your yards the best team around. Call us today and schedule your expert stump removal service and save.
Stump Grinding Bloomington MN.
Some homeowners may wonder why you would wear a stump down to the ground rather than hoist it out. Although some stumps indeed are easier to pull out of the earth, many put up a real struggle.
You can never know for sure just how far down a tree’s roots have dug, meaning they might have far more leverage than we do. Even though the plant is dead, its roots can still grip into the soil, making it feel impossible to pull out.
Other stumps can weigh hundreds of pounds, making them too dangerous to try and drag out with a vehicle. Once you can wrangle it out of the dirt, it’s likely to cause a ton of damage to your truck, property, or even family members.
Bloomington Stump grinding is safe, reliable, and always gets the job done right by wearing it down evenly to the grass. By the time we have finished grinding down your tree stumps, you won’t even know that it was there in the first place.
Why Hire Stump Removal Services?
Some homeowners prefer to take a more hands-on approach to their property maintenance needs. And although it is possible to turn your stump grinding project into a Do It Yourself job, it likely isn’t the best use of your time or money.
Not all equipment rental centers provide stump grinding machines. Or, if they do have one in stock, it’s likely well-used and looking beat.
By the time you do drag it home, you must get the bulky device in place where you will enjoy hours of watching sawdust fly in your face. While it may have appeared to go faster in the video you watched online, stump grinding can take all day with old equipment and inexperienced hands.
Chances are, hiring us remains the fast and affordable solution for removing any stumps your yard still retains. Why waste more of your weekend and your paycheck when we make your stump grinding needs simple?
Why Get Rid of Stumps?
You might wonder why you should even fuss over old tree stumps, especially if you’re the sort of homeowner who enjoys a little extra ruggedness in their backyards. However, leaving your stumps alone may cause far more problems than they are worth in the end.
For starters, there is the question of why the tree died in the first place. If it was pests, diseases, or fungal growth, keeping the stump around could wind up infecting your other healthy plants.
Beetles, burrowing bees, termites, and other nasty creatures will quickly move into what they see as a vacant home. They’ll live there for months without you noticing, and when they’ve eaten it away, they’ll likely target your house next.
Even if you want to use a tree stump as a natural seat or stool, it just isn’t worth the risk of keeping them around. When you need to keep your yards safer, calling us is the best choice every day.
Safer Stump Removal
There are other methods of removing dead tree stumps, but most are inherently risky to apply to your lawns. They use harsh, toxic chemicals and sometimes even fire, leaving the rest of your property in harm’s way.
Chemically treating stumps requires someone to use a power drill to burrow deep into the center, plunging multiple holes into the surface. There, they dump the product in where it goes to work poisoning the rest of the remaining plant.
You could pour gasoline into these holes and toss a lit match at it. Because this involves fire, dead plants, and surrounding trees, we can’t urge enough homeowners not to try this.
Stump grinding remains the safe process by using an industrial sanding device that slowly wears it away. Bloomington Tree care removes your stumps safely and for less each time.
Best Tree Stump Removal Service In Bloomington, MN.
FREE Quote Call 952-679-7373
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Sadly, the large oak tree nestled away in your picturesque backyard has died.
When you call Bloomington Tree Care we’ll come out to your home and remove the dead tree. You can absolutely count on us for that!
And the stump left over? Some people like to keep them as “nature’s seats” while others prefer they be removed. If you want to keep your stump, we’ll treat it with a special spray solution to discourage any regrowth. The spray attacks the main body of the stump .However, if the tree was diseased, we strongly discourage homeowners from keeping the stump as the disease will live within it and spread to other healthy trees nearby.
The size of the stump is another criteria to consider when deciding whether to keep it or just get rid of. If it’s too small to be useful, it will likely be a safety hazard that someone may trip over and expose you to a lawsuit or maybe your own family or pets can get hurt. Best case scenario, it’s just an eye-sore in an otherwise beautiful yard. Some clients opt to plant flowers around the stump to hide it and make the place look nice. If the roots have come up from underground, though, this isn’t a viable option. And, if they did have a disease, it’s not recommended that you plant anything in that location (even when you have the stump removed.)
Some people think they will save money by renting a stump grinder at the local hardware store and doing the work themselves. Before you attempt do that, let us give you a quote to safely and professional remove them. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. At our professionalism and dedication to the task at hand.
The cost is one factor. So is the fact that grinding out a tree stump is hard work! Whether you have just one or many, If you don’t have a very strong back or if you aren’t used to manual labor, grinding out tree stumps may be harder on your body than you imagine. Besides which, is that really how you want to spend your days off?
Not only that the process of the stump removal is very dangerous and it most be done by a professionals like us.
Give us a call and we will gladly come get rid of that tree stump eye-sore in the middle of your yard. We’ll grind it out so that you can fill the hole with dirt and nobody will ever know that the tree existed in that spot once before. We usually go about 20” below the ground to make sure we get the roots. Multiply this by the diameter of the stump and that’ll give you an idea of how much top soil you will need for filling the hole.
At Bloomington Tree Care we hope to be your “go to” tree care service for years to come. We know we must earn your trust and respect and look forward to delivering that on the first job for you so that we can prove ourselves.
Whether we cut down the tree or you just need a local stump grinding company to remove the stump – we’ll send out the best qualified and best trained arboriculturists to eliminate your stump.